Stop overpaying a sheep to do a bulls job
Stop paying extortionate rates to other companies that fail to deliver what we can. We have one low price to take care of everything.
We use data compiled over thousands of dealers in multiple markets to time the placement of your ads ensuring the best possible response. We also use keyword triggering to keep your ads at the top of the search results for longer.
We give you a local tracking number so that you can view full caller information about every call you receive from your craigslist campaign. We also record every call so that you can easily log in and listen to the quality of the call and your sales team.
We can post your ads 7 days a week. After we determine the best schedule for your vehicles you can leave it with us to manage it fully for you. You can see the listings we are posting directly from your Dealerfront Portal.
Craigslist has more traffic than Autotrader and combined!
If you are not currently posting to Craigslist or are using an inexperienced provider to do it for you then you are missing out on a huge source of qualified leads! Dealerfront uses proprietary algorithms and constant testing and refining to make sure your ads consistently rank high and stay at the top of the search for longer.
Dealerfront offers a full service posting package and offers it significantly cheaper than our competitors. We have mastered the Intricacies of posting are are consistently improving our processes. If you are ready for maximum response choose Dealerfront to manage your most valuable source of leads.
We pride ourselves on our customer relations. We Always Work For You 24/7!